5 Reason To Buy Miles Morales on PC

Spiderman 2 release window was announced recently for fall 2023. I loved the first game and spent many hours just swinging around and fighting crime in New York city. I never did pick up the semi-sequel Miles Morales for some reason however I did always want to play it. So with it’s release recently on PC, I thought why not pick it and have some more fun swinging around in New York again. I actually really enjoyed playing it and wanted to let you know why you should also pick up the game, so here are five reasons why you should pick up Miles Morales on PC.

120 FPS

I played this game on a Nvidia 3090 and 9900K and for some reason this game is limited by the CPU therefore I was not able to put on the highest settings to achieve 120+ frames per second. To get the best frame rates with the highest graphics setting you do need a pretty high end PC. Having said that in my set up I was able to hit it by turning off ray tracing.

I think that playing this game with 120+FPS is a must if you can especially when fighting against lots of enemies and trying to fly through the recreated New York City as fast as possible. The difference between 60 and 120 fps is that inputs feel more responsive and the actions you make feels a lot more smoother. This is all to say that 120 fps is better but if you are unable to hit that then 60 fps is not bad at all.

Ray Tracing

They have added ray traced reflections and we could argue if there were better ways to implement ray tracing, however I think the rasterised visuals looked great and the ray traced reflection does add to experience when playing the game. This is especially true in this game as there are a lot of tall buildings with a lot of windows and seeing better reflections really helps.

One thing to bear in mind is that I am no expert on ray tracing and ways to implement it but I do know that I enjoyed the game more with the ray tracing turned on BUT I think if your PC can’t handle while trying to hit above 120 FPS then turn the ray tracing off. As I already mentioned my personal PC was not able to even though I am using a 3090 but I am pretty sure that I was heavily bottlenecked by my 9900K intel CPU. With ray tracing on I was able to hit over 60 FPS though so it was not terrible and completely playable. I did play with a mix of ray tracing on and off and one of the cool things about this game is that it is so easy to change the settings without having to restart the whole game.

Main Story

The story is pretty short but I did enjoy it. Without spoiling the story I think it might be a tear jerker in end for some. If you have ever had a fight with a friend I think you could relate to this story but obviously this story is a “superhero” context.

I think that if you loved the first Spiderman game then this is a great game to wet your appetite as Spiderman 2’s is set to release in fall 2023. I played the game for around 15 hours, in that time I was able complete the main story and all the side missions and collected most of the collectables but not all. It is worth noting that I spent about 30 hour playing the first Spiderman game and did about the same. Even though I do not normally compare playing time from one game to another against it’s worth as I believe it is also about your own enjoyment of the game, however in this case this I think it is something to note when purchasing as it is comparison of a very similar game and when looking at price when Spiderman is priced at £50 and Miles Morales is £40 then to me Miles Morales is not worth the £40 however if you have a voucher like I did or see it on sales then it is definitely worth picking up.

New Powers

The new powers that you get use with Miles Morales are super fun, you get bioelectric attacks and also invisibility. To be honest I cannot remember the moves from the first Spiderman game off the top of my head but I did really enjoy these new powers. Both powers are pretty cool as it gives you the option of either going on the attack or being stealthy.

Personally I favoured the stealthy route as I tended to pick up enemies quickly being invisible instead of going all out and trying to fight tons of enemies at once. As I got more powerful I did attack head on a bit more but still picked off enemies where it was pretty easy to do so. One thing I loved to do when I was getting overwhelmed by too many enemies is using invisibility to hide and reset, then plan out my next attack whether it be stealthy or straight up attacking again.

Best Thing To Do

One of the most fun things to do in any Spiderman game is to swing around New York. You just cannot compare it to anything else. Swinging from building to building, trying to go as fast as possible, doing tricks, diving down to gain speed, wall running and more is just super fun on it own. There is fast travel system but I think I only used it a couple times because I just love swinging in this game and as I mentioned previously, if you have the hardware to get above 120fps with a screen to match, just makes it so much better.

I really enjoyed my time playing Miles Morales on PC and I think it was perfect for me, due to it being not too long. A father of two young kids does not get so much time to play games. I have always been a fan of Spiderman and Spiderman games so I do have that bias in me but I genuinely think that it is a great games for anyone one who likes superhero or action oriented games. It is easy to feel like a super hero in many games as you tend to be overpowered with weapons, powers or skills but there is truly nothing like being Spiderman. Are you interested in playing this game? Have you played it already? What attracted you most to this game? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter. Also if you like this article and want to see more then follow me on Twitter to see more and also to know when new articles are published.


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